Keith Caraway, a 20-year US Army military veteran and our guest on our first “The David Johnson Show”, shares how the Army battle cry “HOOAH” works to get the adrenaline flowing and feed a soldier’s fascination during early weeks in the Army.
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Video Transcript:
Keith Caraway – Remember that first day? You show up to reception, and you don’t know who is who, what is what. Everybody has that fear in their mind like, “Oh, hell, I chose poorly. I’m not supposed to be here. This whole Army thing…” You hear things in the background like cadence. You hear people say…”Hooah.” You’re fascinated because that language, that jargon, is them, and you want to be that. When you hear that, hooah, and you see why they say it.
The first time I heard it, there was somebody doing pushups. The drill sergeant went by and said, “You see that, ya’ll? You see that? That’s hooah.” I was like, “Ooh. This hooah thing is good. I want that. It’s like crack. Give me some hooah.” You just want to be a part of it. It takes maybe a day or so or a couple weeks before you even find out what that means or why they say it and why they keep making you say it because everybody heard what I said, RIGHT? I think that’s where it starts. That’s where it starts. You want to make sure that you’re in the number, you’re in the game. You want to be hooah.