New Online Talk Show Showcases Veterans in Post-Military Life Successes

David Johnson Show Military Veteran Podcast

The David Johnson Show is a new online video show giving a voice to military veterans and military fans in the post-9/11-era.

Premiering in April 2020 at, “The David Johnson Show” is an episode-driven showcase for the American military and veteran sub-culture. Each show episode showcases a different guest with a different story.

Just as each previous military generation had its stories, topics and issues, like the WWII veterans and Vietnam War veterans, post-9/11-era veterans from Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) also have their own culture, community and camaraderie. “The David Johnson Show” will give a wide voice to these veterans and their stories.

“There are 3.3 million veterans who have served our country since September 11, 2001, and my show is designed to bring a community to these post-9/11-era veterans,” said show creator and host David Johnson. “Veterans from this era will definitely enjoy the show because they can clearly relate. We hope you find something impactful from each show that hits home to you. We can all grow together by opening our minds and remaining open to new ideas.”

“The David Johnson Show” will feature a different guest each week who uses military principles to enact change in their communities. He will also focus on military veterans who are growing into new successful civilian lives, as well as entrepreneurs who can help those in the military and veteran communities. Each episode will be available for streaming on your preferred device.

Johnson hopes to move his show into areas similar to how Joe Rogan’s show has shown to be successful, with its unique raw emotion and intense intellectual pursuits.

“I love what Joe Rogan does with his guests,” said David Johnson. “He may speak to a film actor or a book author about their work, but the discussion will often move beyond the expected topics into new areas. That’s our aspiration for the show, to provide educational, entertaining content for our audience, while building a community around The David Johnson Show.”

“The David Johnson Show” is produced by Promotion Board Media, and is the first of several new online video shows planned for the military and veteran community. These shows will be professionally produced, present great information and offer a wide range of related content, like web downloads, DVDs, books and other merchandise of interest to the audience.

Each show episode showcases a different guest with a different story. Learn more and subscribe to TDJS story video podcast and newsletter.

For more information on The David Johnson Show, please contact us at